"Mutter, ich bin dumm.”
"Mutter, ich bin dumm.”
…the final words of German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, after hugging a horse in pity in a Turin town square (it is rumoured).
After which Nietzsche collapsed and spent the last ten years of his life brain-dead, until his real death in 1900.
The show, »Mutter, ich bin dumm.« is a collective investigation into the phenomenon of stupid-ness, when thought of as idiosyncrasy, accident and/or institutional strategy. Furthermore, we attempt to disclose various types of empathy accompanying this phenomenon.
And finally we take a glance at some of the many relations formed between man and horse, historically—physically—spiritually.
See you when you get there!
"Mutter, ich bin dumm.”
Historien vil at det sidste den tyske filosof Friedrich Nietzsche sagde, efter at have omfavnet en hest i medlidenhed på et torv i Torino, var "Mutter, ich bin dumm.”
For derefter at kollapse og leve ti år som hjernedød, indtil hans virkelige død indtraf i 1900.
Udstillingen "Mutter, ich bin dumm.” er en kollektiv undersøgelse af fænomenet dumhed som idiosynkrasi, som uheld og som institutionel strategi. Samt hvilke former for empati der ledsager eller leder op til Fænomenet.
Endelig vil Udstillingen kaste et blik på nogle af de mange typer relationer
som er stiftet mellem menneske og hest – historiske – fysiske – Spirituelle.
Institut Funder Bakke programmet 2019
er generøst støttet af:
Knud Højgaards Fond
Statens Kunstfond
Silkeborg Kommune
PKB Holding
Ernst Hansen
Drengen og hesten (1920)
Drawing on Paper
Kristine Kemp
I Do Vodoo (2019)
Mixed media
Kristine Kemp
Mutter, Ich bin Dumm (2019)
Mixed media
Will Holder
“Our Values Make Us Different” part 8, “The only difference today, since the work with instrumentalists, is that I finally taste this impalpable essence of acoustic instruments and the richness of partials of all kinds, which go far beyond fundamentals. The flight of harmonics in their very nature can never be reached by the emission of a fundamental, be it through the subtlest way of using the bow or by the methods I used with my ARP.” Eliane Radigue said to Julia Eckhardt, 2017–2019.
Wall-drawing with adapted marker pen, straightedge and compass,
love song;
Institut Funder Bakke
Audience Development (2019)
Rental Bull
Will Holder
Matter, ich bin dumm (2019)
pen on poster
Photos: Lars Bay