Chadwick Rantanen

27th August - 5th November
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Chadwick Rantanen (b. 1981, Wausau, Wisconsin) lives and works in Los Angeles, California.
Solo exhibitions include Secession, Vienna, Austria; Museo Pietro Canonica, Rome, Italy; Standard (Oslo), Oslo, Norway; Essex Street, New York, New York; Overduin and Co., Los Angeles, California; Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago, Illinois.
He has been included in group exhibitions at Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit, Michigan; Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, Austria; Tanya Leighton, Berlin, Germany; Luhring Augustine, New York; CLEARING, Paris, France; Swiss Institute, New York; and Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus; SculptureCenter, Long Island City, New York; and Artists Space, New York.
His work is in the collections of the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; ArtNow International, San Francisco; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota and Albright-Knox, Buffalo, New York.
Rantanen’s work has been reviewed in Mousse Magazine, Frieze, Artforum, The Los Angeles Times, Art in America, New York Times, Flash Art, and CARLA.
Chadwick Rantanen
27. August - 5. November
Chadwick Rantanen (b. 1981, Wausau, Wisconsin) bor og arbejder i Los Angeles, California.
Solo udstillinger: Secession, Vienna, Austria; Museo Pietro Canonica, Rome, Italy; Standard (Oslo), Oslo, Norway; Essex Street, New York, New York; Overduin and Co., Los Angeles, California; Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago, Illinois.
Gruppe udstillinger: Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit, Michigan; Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, Austria; Tanya Leighton, Berlin, Germany; Luhring Augustine, New York; CLEARING, Paris, France; Swiss Institute, New York; and Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus; SculptureCenter, Long Island City, New York; and Artists Space, New York.
Rantanen’s værker er erhvervet af the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; ArtNow International, San Francisco; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota and Albright-Knox, Buffalo, New York.
Rantanen’s arbejde er blevet anmeldt i Mousse Magazine, Frieze, Artforum, The Los Angeles Times, Art in America, New York Times, Flash Art, and CARLA.
Institut Funder Bakke programmet 2022
er generøst støttet af
Knud Højgaards Fond
Augustinus Fonden
Statens Kunstfond
Det Obelske Familie Fond
Aage og Johanne Louise Hansens Fond
- A powerful symbol has integrity. As design, symbols are both easy to create and identify. This integrity allows them to contain bureaucratic and doctrinal misunderstandings, and makes them flexible to contradictions and changes. A powerful symbol is both a target for conflict and a creator of cohesion and stability.
- Pareidolia is to see familiar objects or patterns in otherwise random or unrelated objects. It is a form of apophenia, a general term for the human tendency to seek patterns in random information. It is particularly prevalent for those invested in religion and spirituality.
- In geometry, a line is an infinitely long object with no width, depth, or curvature. A line makes for a weak symbol. It is too brutal and ill suited to ideology. It is more commonly used as a division or component, not an end in itself.
- Any dough that can be baked into a regular sized loaf can also be made into buns. There is a legal difference between a bun and a loaf. Laws surrounding bread have existed since the Egyptian period. In English Folklore, a piece of hot cross bun given to someone ill is said to help them recover. If taken on a sea voyage, hot cross buns are said to protect against shipwreck.
- A finger joint is a woodworking joint made by cutting a set of complementary, interlocking profiles in two pieces of wood. The cross-section of the joint resembles the interlocking of fingers between two hands. These joints are advantageous because they locate joint features within the tolerances of the material.
- Since 1936, Jehovah's Witnesses have rejected the idea that Jesus died on a cross, and instead teach that he died on a single wooden stake (crux simplex), asserting that the Koine Greek word "σταυρός" (stauros) referring to a single upright post. They consider the cross to be of pagan origin and therefore an object of idol worship.
- A blog is an online journal where an individual, group, or corporation presents a record of activities, thoughts, or beliefs in the form of text, photos and video. The majority of food blogs use pictures taken by the author and some of them focus specifically on food photography.
- The hot cross bun marks the end of the Christian season of Lent. The cross represents the crucifixion of Jesus, and the ingredients signify the spices used to anoint his body, mask the odours of death and prevent decay, often including orange peel to reflect the bitterness of his time on the Cross.
- Removing objects in digital images is challenging because of the surrounding objects and the image’s background. Choosing the right tool allows removal of the unwanted object without affecting the rest of the image. If a part of an image is removed simply by cutting it out, then a hole is left in the background. The Clone tool can fill in this hole convincingly with a copy of the existing background from elsewhere in the image.
- Iconoclasm is the social belief in the importance of the destruction of icons and other images or monuments, often for religious or political reasons. People who engage in or support iconoclasm are called iconoclasts. Conversely, one who reveres or venerates religious images is called an iconolater, iconodule or iconophile.
Chadwick Rantanen (b. 1981, Wausau, Wisconsin) lives and works in Los Angeles, California.
Solo exhibitions include Secession, Vienna, Austria; Museo Pietro Canonica, Rome, Italy; Standard (Oslo), Oslo, Norway; Essex Street, New York, New York; Overduin and Co., Los Angeles, California; Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago, Illinois.
He has been included in group exhibitions at Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit, Michigan; Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, Austria; Tanya Leighton, Berlin, Germany; Luhring Augustine, New York; CLEARING, Paris, France; Swiss Institute, New York; and Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus; SculptureCenter, Long Island City, New York; and Artists Space, New York.
His work is in the collections of the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; ArtNow International, San Francisco; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota and Albright-Knox, Buffalo, New York.
Rantanen’s work has been reviewed in Mousse Magazine, Frieze, Artforum, The Los Angeles Times, Art in America, New York Times, Flash Art, and CARLA.
Chadwick Rantanen 27. August - 5. November
- Et stærkt symbol har en iboende integritet. Hvilket gør designet let at afkode og let at tegne. Desuden vil denne type integritet ofte tillade symbolet at være køretøj for en lang række ustabile doktriner og bureaukratiske misforståelser, og dermed gøre det fleksibelt for modsætninger, ændringer og modifikationer. Et stærkt symbol kan altså simultant fungere som ramme for konflikt og stabilitet.
- Pareidolia betyder at se familiærer objekter eller mønstre i tilfældige eller u-relaterede objekter. Det er beslægtet med apophenia som er den mere generelle menneskelige tendens til at søge mønstre i tilfældig information. Det forekommer hyppigt hos folk som er investeret i religion eller spiritualitet.
- En Linje er i geometrien samtlige punkter mellem to punkter samt i forlængelsen heraf. En linje er uendelig lang og har ingen bredde eller højde. En linje er som sådan et svagt symbol, dens brutalitet gør den dårligt anvendelig for ideologi. Den er oftere anvendt som skiller eller komponent end som et slutmål i sig selv.
- Enhver dej der kan bages til en regulær klump brød kan også bages til en bolle.
Der eksisterer en lovmæssig forskel på en bolle og en klump brød. Lovgivning omkring brød har eksisteret siden det gamle egypten. I engelsk folklore siges det at en Påskebolle (The hot cross bun) kan helbredde den syge, og hvis medbragt på et skib vil påskebollen forhindre skibbrud.
- En fingertap er - i arbejdet med træ - lavet ved at skære et sæt af komplementære samlings profiler ud i to stykker træ. Navnet er formodentligt genereret af samlingernes lighed med flettede fingre.
- Siden 1936 har Jehovas Vidner afvist ideen om at Jesus døde på et kors, men hævder at han derimod døde på en pæl (crux simplex). De påpeger på at det koine græske ord "σταυρός" (stauros) betyder en enkelt opretstående stolpe.
De betragter korset som et hedensk symbol og som idoldyrkelse.
- En blog, eller weblog, er en hjemmeside, som opdateres jævnligt med korte tekster (indlæg eller poster). Det er ikke muligt at indholdsbestemme en blog, der kan residere i både et privat, fælles tilgængeligt og kommercielt regi. Mad blogs benytter som oftest fotos taget af forfatteren, og i visse tilfælde fokusere bloggen specifikt på madfotografi.
- Påskebollen ( The hot cross bun ) markere afslutningen på den kristne fastetid. Korset repræsentere korsfæstelsen af Jesus og krydderierne repræsentere balsameringen af hans legeme. De blev anvendt for at forebygge forrådnelse og maskere lugten af død. Ofte indgår appelsinskal som repræsentere bitterheden af tiden på korset.
- Fjernelsen af objekter fra digitale billeder er udfordrende på grund af baggrunden og de omkringværende objekter. Anvendelse af det rigtige værktøj tillader dog denne manøvren, uden at resten af billedet bliver påvirket. Hvis en del af billedet bliver fjernet ved simpelthen at skære det ud, vil det efterlade et hul i baggrunden. Med Kloningsværktøjet kan man dog efterfølgende udfylde dette hul med materiale hentet fra andre steder i billedet.
- En ikonoklasme er en bevidst destruktion eller krænkelse af symbolske billeder eller ikoner. En ikonoklastisk handling indebærer normalt, at aktiviteten er offentlig, oprørsk og udføres af en defineret gruppe. Mennesker, som er involverede i eller støtter ikonoklasme, kaldes billedstormere eller ikonoklaster. Omvendt er mennesker, der ærer eller nærer ærbødighed for religiøse billeder, ikonolater, ikonoduler eller ikonofiler.
Chadwick Rantanen (b. 1981, Wausau, Wisconsin) bor og arbejder i Los Angeles, California.
Solo udstillinger: Secession, Vienna, Austria; Museo Pietro Canonica, Rome, Italy; Standard (Oslo), Oslo, Norway; Essex Street, New York, New York; Overduin and Co., Los Angeles, California; Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago, Illinois.
Gruppe udstillinger: Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit, Michigan; Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, Austria; Tanya Leighton, Berlin, Germany; Luhring Augustine, New York; CLEARING, Paris, France; Swiss Institute, New York; and Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus; SculptureCenter, Long Island City, New York; and Artists Space, New York.
Rantanen’s værker er erhvervet af the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; ArtNow International, San Francisco; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota and Albright-Knox, Buffalo, New York.
Rantanen’s arbejde er blevet anmeldt i Mousse Magazine, Frieze, Artforum, The Los Angeles Times, Art in America, New York Times, Flash Art, and CARLA.
Institut Funder Bakke programmet 2022
er generøst støttet af
Knud Højgaards Fond
Augustinus Fonden
Statens Kunstfond
Det Obelske Familie Fond
Aage og Johanne Louise Hansens Fond

Still Life, 2022
archival pigment print, walnut frame
53 x 36 x 3 cm
Press Fit (Staircase), 2022
laser cut plywood
6.5 x 39 x 3 cm

Baking Cooking, 2022
archival pigment print, walnut frame
53 x 40 x 3 cm
Laser Cut-Out (Ladder), 2022
laser cut plywood
2.5 x 22.5 x 0.5 cm

Breakfast for Henry, 2022
archival pigment print, walnut frame

Nom, 2022
archival pigment print, walnut frame
53 x 40 x 3 cm
Press Fit (Staircase), 2022
laser cut plywood
5.5 x 39 x 2 cm

Docker, 2022
archival pigment print, walnut frame
39 x 40 x 3 cm

Hot Hot, 2022
archival pigment print, walnut frame
53 x 40 x 3 cm

Frosted, 2022
archival pigment print, walnut frame
40 x 30.5 x 3 cm

White Ribbon, 2022
archival pigment print, walnut frame
53 x 44 x 3 cm
Press Fit (Staircase), 2022
laser cut plywood
5 x 7 x 6 cm

Icing, 2022
archival pigment print, walnut frame
27.5 x 40 x 3 cm
Laser Cut-Out (Ladder), 2022
laser cut plywood
3.5 x 31 x 0.5 cm

Dark Chocolate and Cardamom, 2022
archival pigment print, walnut frame
36 x 53 x 3 cm

Press Fit (Staircase), 2022
laser cut plywood
24 x 26 x 24 cm

Photos by: Malle madsen & Lars Bay